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Each of the seven document transformation stages has hooks allowing to override the default behaviour either completely or on per-asset basis. The hooks are specified in imgit config in form of plugin objects. Below is an example on injecting built-in YouTube plugin:

import { boot } from "imgit/server";
import youtube from "imgit/youtube";

await boot({ plugins: [youtube()] });

The plugin object in this case is created from a function that also accepts optional configuration object:

await boot({ plugins: [youtube({ title: false })] });

— this will remove titles from the YouTube's HTML.

Plugin objects has nine total hooks: 7 for each transformation stage, 1 for serving the assets (eg, to upload to a CDN) and another for injecting client-side assets, such JavaScript modules and CSS. Consult API reference for details.

Each transformation stage hook is a function, that accepts same input as the built-in handler and is expected to return either boolean or Promise<boolean>. Return true to prevent built-in handler from processing the asset at that stage, false otherwise.

Below is an example on plugging into capture stage to exclude assets captured inside markdown's code blocks used for this documentation:

import { Plugin, CapturedAsset, stages } from "imgit/server";

// Export plugin object with capture stage hook.
export default { capture } satisfies Plugin;

function capture(content: string, assets: CapturedAsset[]): boolean {
    // Run default capture behaviour.
    stages.capture.capture(content, assets);
    // When nothing is captured, do nothing.
    if (assets.length === 0) return true;
    // Find code block ranges in the source document.
    const ranges = findCodeRanges(content);
    // When found, exclude the assets inside the ranges.
    if (ranges.length > 0)
        assets.splice(0, assets.length,
            ...assets.filter(a => !isInCodeBlock(a, ranges)));
    return true;

The plugin can now be injected to imgit:

import { boot } from "imgit/server";
// Import plugin object.
import plugin from "./plugin.ts";

// Inject plugin object.
await boot({ plugins: [plugin] });

Find more about available plugin options in the API reference.